Quikscribe Recorder
The world’s most advanced digital dictation system with many advanced features not found in any other product. Using the Quikscribe Recorder Hand Control, you can insert, overwrite, stop, play, rewind, and fast forward. Plus, you can insert text attachments, and screen shots, and instantly undo / redo dictation edits, while working seamlessly behind other Windows applications.
Ability to Attach Multiple Files or Documents Within your Audio File
The Quikscribe Recorder is able to insert files or documents within the .iaf (Intelligent Audio File). For example if you have contract that needs changes, you can dictate all of the changes you want and then insert a copy of the contract that needs to be modified within the .iaf (Intelligent Audio File). That way when the typist receives the audio file file, both the contract and your dictated instructions are within one file.
Ability to Record in Overwrite or Insert Mode
The Quikscribe Recorder can record in Overwrite or Insert Mode. Which means that if you need to record additional information within an audio file, rather than appending this information at the end of the file, you can now rewind to the specific location, and insert the additional audio anywhere you like?
Note: If you make a mistake, and you wish to remove the additional audio you have just inserted, you can press Undo, which will instantly remove your last edit.
Instantly Undo and Redo audio edits
The Quikscribe Recorder uses a non-destructive recording method, which means it is possible to instantly Undo and Redo audio edits. Instead of rewinding, pressing play, and then cueing up your previous position, simply presses Undo and your last audio edit will be instantly removed, returning you directly to the spot you left off.
If you ever accidentally record over a section, you can recover your original digital dictation audio by simply pressing Undo. Conversely if you want to replace an audio edit you have just deleted with the Undo feature, you can simply press Redo.
Note: The Undo and Redo feature works using the Hand Control buttons, the Undo and Redo Icons on the QS Recorder interface, and with also the keyboard (CTRL Z and CTRL Y). It works in either Insert or Overwrite mode. It even works if the file has been closed then reopened.
Able to Capture Screen Shots or Insert Images Within your Audio File
In addition to being able to insert text attachments within an audio file, the Quikscribe Recorder is also able to capture and insert screen shots (BMP’s) into the IAF (Intelligent Audio File).
This is great tool if you want to create technical documentation or C.B.T. (Computer Based Training) content.
To do so, simply set the Insert button on the Hand Control to “Insert Marker & Print Screen” under the Settings Icon.
If you want, you can post-edit your captured images, by simply exporting them and then editing them in your preferred image editor. Once finished, you can import them back in. If you want, you can import JPEG, PNG & WMF images within Markers.
Key features and benefits
- Instantly undo or redo audio edits
- Record using voice activation
- Record in Insert or Overwrite mode
- Record virtually unlimited file duration
- Cut & past text or case citations
- Insert screen shots or pictures
- Attach associated files or documents
- Record and compress at the same time
- Provide better “Risk Management”
- Automatic redundancy and house keeping Seamlessly integrates with Philips SpeechMike, Grundig SonicMic, Olympus and other professional digital recorders
- Automatic file management
- Remote dictation abilities with e-mail and FTP
- Automatically captures all billable hours
- Import both .dss and .wav files
- Come with built-in interactive multimedia training
- Create Computer Based Training content
- Eliminates ongoing cost (tapes & batteries)
![Windows 10 [Running] 2018-03-23 15-39-50](https://quikscribe.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Windows-10-Running-2018-03-23-15-39-50-500x305.jpg)
Remote Dictation Abilities
The Quikscribe Recorder is able to send audio files via:
- LAN and WAN
By sending audio files via FTP or e-mail, you are no longer geographical restricted. Which means you can work from home if you wish, or you can out- source your transcription needs to a V.A. (Virtual Assistant). Alternately if you are a large company, you can load-share work between offices via VPN (Virtual Private Network) or set up a dedicated remote office, whereby all transcription work is done remotely, thus reducing your office space requirements and expensive rent.
Able to Record, Edit and Compress at the Same Time
The Quikscribe Recorder can record, compress and edit audio all at the same time. The major benefit is that your audio files are kept very small, which significantly increases your storage space the time to send a file. The Quikscribe Recorder also provides the option for Post Compression and No Compression, depending on your circumstances or requirements. For example, if you have an older type PC and it does not have the resources (power) to record and compress at the same time, then Post Compression can be used
Note: The default for the Quikscribe Recorder is 8KHz, 16 Bit, real-time compression, as illustrated above in yellow. Additionally because the Quikscribe Recorder records straight to the hard-disk, not to memory, it is able to record virtually any duration you want. The only limitation is your hard disk capacity. For example, if you were to record using 8KHz 16 Bit using real-time compression, you could record 3,448 hours of digital audio on a standard 20G hard drive. Or on a standard CD-ROM, you can store over 108 hours of audio.
Automatic House Keeping and File Redundancy (backup)
Audio tapes contain only one copy of the audio file. An advantage of the digital format means that we can send a copy and keep a copy. That way, if anything should happen to the file that has been sent, another copy can be sent, similar to how e-mail works. However rather than keeping the audio file indefinitely, the Quikscribe Recorder automatically deletes these files after 14 days (default duration), which means you will never fill up you hard drive, as the Quikscribe Recorder is continually doing house keeping and deleting old files.
Ability to Split Large Audio Files when Sent
Sending large audio files via e-mail can sometimes be a problem, as a lot of mail servers restrict the size of e-mails. To solve this problem, we have a unique feature that allows you to split a large audio file into multiple smaller audio files. The naming convention when an audio file is split is Filename_01, Filename_02, Filename_03 etc. Additionally, when the audio file is split, an overlap used, thus eliminating any chance of splitting a file mid word. Audio files can be split based on audio duration and will work with either IAF or WAV. Lastly, any Markers or Attachments within the file are also split correctly, providing the file is sent as an IAF.
Dictation Mode
This is the default recording mode. Simply depress the RECORD button on the Hand Control Microphone and you are on your way. Release the button, and recording stops. Note: When the file is sent for transcription, the date and time the file is due to be completed is added to the filename as a prefix. To find out more click here.
Transcription Training Mode
This mode is identical to the above Dictation Mode, except when the audio file is finished and sent for transcription, an internal flag is written within the file, preventing the file from be deleted once it is completed. The reason that this is done, is so a teacher can create transcription training content / lessons, which will not become accidentally deleted once completed by students.
Computer Based Training Mode
Computer Based Training Mode allows you to display graphics files in a separate window on the desktop, while audio is played in the Quikscribe Player. That makes it possible to record and create web-ready C.B.T. (Computer Based Training) content. Click here to download a 12 page PDF document that explains how to make C.B.T (Computer Based Training) content. Alternatively download and view a sample tutorial (‘MailMerge.iaf’ or “Calculator.iaf’) from our Tutorial page, using the Quikscribe Player. This feature is great for training staff, or creating multi media presentations for court, or for client education purposes. No other digital dictation software offers such a feature.
Presentation Mode
This mode is very similar to the Computer Based Training mode. However, rather than displaying images within a separate Window, images are displayed full screen. This mode is ideal if you want to make dramatic multi-media presentations.
Note: Both the Computer Based Training Mode and Presentation Mode have access to over 100 different types of screen wipes (transitions). Also the Quikscribe Recorder has PNG and JPEG image compression algorithms built in, which allows the Quikscribe Recorder to make very small web-ready training files.
Interview Mode
Press the RECORD button once to start recording. Press it again to stop. The major difference with this recording mode, and all the other recording modes, is that once any audio has been recorded, it can never be edited. You can not Overwrite or Insert audio, nor can you Undo and Redo audio edits. You can stop recording, rewind and play, but if you press record again, the Quikscribe Recorder will automatically append the additional audio as a separate track within the same file.
Each time you start or stop recording, a special Interview Marker (that can not be deleted or modified) is inserted within the audio file, detailing the date and time when the started or stopped. Also, in this mode, all new audio files are automatically named with the current date and time.
Voice Activation Mode
With Voice Activation enabled, the Quikscribe Recorder can automatically record audio when you speak, and stop recording when you stop speaking, all with out missing a single syllable, the way some digital dictation software will. Quikscribe creates a small buffer (250 milliseconds) in memory, which captures any audio immediately, and begins writing it to the audio file so nothing is missed. If the audio level drops below the pre-set level, it stops recording to disk, and starts recording to the buffer in memory.
Seamlessly Integrates with the Philips SpeechMike and Olympus Hand Controls
The Quikscribe Recorder also has the ability to integrate with the Philips SpeechMike Pro and the Philips SpeechMike Classic. This means, rather than being limited to a .wav file, you can gain all of the benefit of the IAF (Intelligent Audio File).
A major benefit of the Philips SpeechMike and Olympus hand control is that a quality sound card is built into the actual hand control. This means you are guaranteed excellent audio quality, regardless of the quality of your PC sound card. For example, most laptops have low quality sound cards and/or poor filtering on their power supply, which means line hum is or distortion is introduced. But by using a Philips SpeechMike, you can record your audio and eliminate any distortion.
Easily Produce Multimedia Presentations or Recordings That You Can Freely Distribute
The Quikscribe Recorder can easily capture screen images or window images while you are recording. However, there is a free program called the Quikscribe Viewer that allows ANYONE to view your presentation and play the audio track, without requiring the license of the Quikscribe Player or Recorder. The Viewer is installed automatically with the Quikscribe Player, and it will operate WITHOUT needing a license. It’s similar to reading .pdf files with Adobe Acrobat Reader, except you’re playing an .iaf (Intelligent Audio File) that has the audio track plus any images you want to include. You can produce just an audio track, or create a slide show presentation.
Ability to Cut and Paste Text Attachments or Documents Within an Audio File
Often when dictating, large amounts of reference material, text or information is narrated verbatim from a source. If this source is in an electronic format e.g. Previous Word Documents, Web Sites or Reference CD’s, it is now possible copy and paste this information into the .iaf (Intelligent Audio File) used by the Quikscribe Recorder, thus saving overall dictation time and transcriptionist time.
How it works is, the author simply selects the text with the mouse and then presses CTRL C, which copies the text to the Windows clipboard. Then presses CTRL 7 or the Insert button on the Quikscribe Hand Control and the Quikscribe Recorder creates a marker file and pastes the text within this marker.
When the Quikscribe Player finds a text attachment within the audio file, it stops playing the audio file and copies the attachment to the Windows clipboard and then provides the typist with an audio prompt. At this stage the typist can simply paste the text attachment into their current document by pressing CTRL V (paste).
Note: This great time saving feature. It decreases overall dictation and transcription time but it also significantly reduces the chance for any introduced errors. To fully understand how this feature works, download the Quikscribe Player, which comes with a 13 minute interactive tutorial that has an embedded text attachment and an image (screen shot) within it.
Ability to Import the Following Audio Formats
The Quikscribe Recorder is able to import and open the following audio formats.
- .wav (WAVE)
The .wav file is a Microsoft audio file format that has become the standard audio format for PC’s. The .wav file format has been accepted as the preferred interchange medium for other computer platforms, such as Macintosh. This allows content developers and programs to freely move audio files between platforms. - dss (Digital Speech Standard)
The .dss format is an audio format used by Olympus and Philips with their range of portable digital voice recorders, which can produced very small (compressed) audio files for transcription. - iaf (Intelligent Audio File)The .iaf format is a proprietary audio format created by Quikscribe Pty Ltd specifically designed for advanced PC based digital dictation and transcription. In addition to producing very small (compressed) audio files, the .iaf format has several other advanced features. For example, it is able to insert text attachments, insert pictures and other files within itself. Lastly, it has a small database within every file that keeps track of the files history for management purposes.
- MP2, MP3 (including files with VBR (variable bitrate))
- VOX (Dialogic ADPCM)
- RAW (PCM, ALAW, ULAW and others)
- G.721, G.723, G.726
- Mobile Voice
- Ogg Vorbis
Automatically Captures All Billable Hours
The Quikscribe Recorder automatically captures all billable hours. For example, a 10 minute audio file may have taken 25 minutes to create, which is the true billable time for the file. However, rather than requiring an author to keep track of this time, the Quikscribe Recorder automatically does it. If the author has a file open but becomes distracted by a phone call, the Quikscribe Recorder turns off the internal clock if it senses no activity for more than 60 seconds. As soon as the Quikscribe Recorder senses activity again, it switches the clock back on. This information can then be used to help calculate a client’s bill.
Able to Provide Better “Risk Management”
Every time a new file is created, the Quikscribe Recorder saves within the file the date and time the file was created. In addition to this, is captures all of the authors details and it also provides the author to enter in Matter No, Subject etc. Once the files has been recorded and ready to be sent, the author can then select the turnaround priority for the file, if they require notification on completion or a print out. All of this information including the data and time the file was sent and the location the file was sent to is recorded within the .iaf (Intelligent Audio File), as a result, everything about the files history so far is within the file, where additional data will be added once a typist opens the file with the Quikscribe Player.