Add Text or Graphic from Another Source to Dictation
Quikscribe can insert referenced material such as text, images, graphics, Internet links, screen captures, etc. directly into the dictated file. The insertions are made available to the typist and eliminate the need for the insertions to be retyped or reconstructed. To do so the Quikscribe Recorder creates and inserts marker files. The main advantage of marker insertions is to save time. Rather than dictate text from other documents or web sites or rather than direct the typist with sources for text, the text can be copied and pasted.
To demonstrate:
1. Open Quikscribe Recorder.
2. Create a New Audio File by clicking on the Create New File icon.
3. Record ?A B C D E?.
4. Open an existing Text or Word document and select some text within the document with your mouse or with keyboard keys. Press CTRL+C.
5. Now press CTRL+7. This is the default Hotkey for the Quikscribe Recorder to paste a marker. As a result, a Marker File containing the contents of the text you selected will be created within your audio file.
6. View the Markers panel to see the Marker that has been added. You may view the Markers panel by clicking the arrowhead below the volume indicator.
7. Click the Marker to select it. To view the Marker, double-click it or select Markers from the top menu and select View Selected Marker.