Set up to Send by Email
1. Click Quikscribe Recorder Settings icon.
2. Go to Author’s Details. Enter your Email address. Check either Use SMTP Server or your default email client.
3. If you do not have desktop email or if you wish to use your SMTP server or the Quikscribe Server, selectSMTP Settings.
4. If you elect to use your SMTP server, you must enter your SMTP (outgoing) server name, which has a format such as or In addition, enter your SMTP (outgoing) server port number, which often is 25. You may need to contract your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to get your server name and port number. If your ISP requires user authentication, check the box Server requires name and password. Then enter your email Username and password. Your server name is required in order to enter your username and password. If your ISP matches address to authentication, check Match sender address to authentication. Click OK when finished entering settings. You may opt to disable SSL/TSL connections when sending email via custom SMTP server.
5. If you elect to use the Quikscribe Server, click the button Quikscribe Server. The outgoing server name, Username and password will be entered automatically.
6. Now click OK in the Author’s Details panel.
7. Click on System Settings again.
8. Go to Record Controls Tab. Before sending an audio file via e-mail it is highly recommended that the file be compressed; otherwise it may take ten times longer to send the audio file. For Record Compression select Real Time Compression. Then click OK.
Note: Change the Method to Network when sending via the the office network.