Setting Audio Levels for Recording
Tips for setting the microphone sound level input for Quikscribe Recorder when recording directly into QSR using a hand control microphone such as the Philips SpeechMike, Grundig SonicMic, Olympus DR-2000, or other PC microphone).
Select System Settings in QS Recorder, click on Record Device (under Audio Devices) to select the microphone device you will use for recording.
Then click on Record Device Settings to use Windows Control Panel to select the record device (hand control microphone you are using) and click on Properties to then select the Levels tab and adjust the input volume to about the 80% setting.
You can also select the audio Playback Device to route the playback audio to the speaker in your hand control microphone. We recommend doing this so that only dictation playback is routed to the hand control mike, and all other Windows audio is routed to your default playback device (usually desktop speakers).
This video demonstration provides instructions for setting the audio sound levels in Windows and Quikscribe Recorder.
Note: If you have problems with the SpeechMike connection, or with the recording levels not remaining stable, please make sure of the following:
The SpeechMike USB connection should be plugged directly into the computer’s USB port instead of a USB hub. If you have to use a USB hub, make sure it’s a powered USB plug that plugs into an A/C outlet for external power.