Change Compatibility Mode
If you encounter errors running your Quikscribe in a Windows 7 or 8 environment, you may follow these steps to fix the issue:
1. Uninstall your Quikscribe from your computer.
2. Reinstall Quikscribe to your computer. Download and save the installer from this link.
—If you are using Google Chrome – Richt-click the link to the installer. Select Save Link As. You may save it to your Desktop, so you can easily find it later.
3. Go to the folder, where you saved the installer. Right-click with your mouse and select Properties.
4. There will be a new window that will pop-up. Go to General tab. Click the Unblock button and click Apply.
5. On the same window, go to Compatibility tab, put check mark to the options below. Click Apply. Then Ok.
Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
Run this program as an Administrator
6. You may now install Quikscribe.
7. Once installed, repeat the same process for the Quikscribe Application. Normally, it is saved to your C-Drive that looks something like this – C:\Program Files\Quikscribe\Quikscribe Player or C:\Program Files\Quikscribe\Quikscribe Recorder
8. Look for the Quikscribe Recorder or Player application. Right-click the Quikscribe player application with your mouse and select Properties.
9. In the new window that will pop-up, go to Compatibility tab. Put check-marks on the options as shown below. Click Apply. Then OK to close the window. You may now use Quikscribe.